We support faculty who are engaging their classes in climate stories work in two key ways—class visits and a curated collection of online resources (click to access Google folder), including relevant scholarly articles, articles on the lived experiences of climate change, sample class assignments, and more.
To help your students think about whose climate story they could tell through their Climate Stories projects, share these resources with your students:
U.S. Narratives: Lived Experiences of Climate Change Around Our Country
Global Narratives: Lived Experiences of Climate Change Around the World
Narrative Collections
Elevating Climate (Appalachian students' original climate stories, in audio and essay form, as well as a student-curated Elevating Climate Syllabus with resources for anyone wanting to explore the themes of the climate anthology All We Can Save )
1001 Voices on Climate, a Story Map and new book by Devi Lockwood, who spent five years traveling in 20 countries on six continents to document 1,001 stories on water & climate change.
How We Respond (AAAS collection of stories about communities and scientists taking action on climate change)
The Daily Climate (compiles climate news from around the world each day)
American Climate (videos of disaster impacted communities by InsideClimate News)
Yale Climate Connections (reporting and commentary on climate change)
NY Times Climate Casualties (series of in-depth reporting)
Tipping Point by VICE News (series of climate justice stories)
Yale Environment 360 (many of the stories feature climate change topics)
NPR stories about climate (radio stories on climate change)
Climate Stories Project (user-contributed stories from across the globe)
Climate Stories NC (video collection; voices of North Carolinians)
Climate Listening Project (video collection; director is based in western NC)
Climate Generation Storytelling Collection (project based in Minnesota)
Global Oneness Project Climate Collection (photo essays and films)
Podcasts on Climate Change
Broken Ground’s new season: Navigating Sea Level Rise in the South by Southern Environmental Law Center (introductory article here)
How to Save a Planet hosted by science/policy expert Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and journalist Alex Blumberg
A Matter of Degrees hosted by science/policy/communication experts Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson
Mothers of Invention hosted by former Irish President Mary Robinson and comedian Maeve Higgins (climate change solutions from women around the world)
No Place Like Home hosted by Mary Anne Hitt and Anna Jane Joyner
Citizens’ Climate Radio hosted by Peterson Toscano
Hot Take hosted by Mary Annaïse Heglar and Amy Westervelt (intersectional, critical, yet constructive look at climate coverage and the climate conversation)
Warm Regards hosted by Dr. Jacquelyn Gill with co-hosts Dr. Ramesh Laungani and Dr. Sarah Myhre
America Adapts hosted by Doug Parsons (explores the challenges of adapting to climate change)
Climate One podcast
Got Science? Podcast (many in this series feature climate change topics)
2020-2021 Academic YearLast year, we adapted our work both to pandemic disruptions and to the opportunity presented by the Common Reading Program's focus on climate change. Rising: Dispatches from a New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush is a Pulitzer-nominated creative non-fiction book that immerses readers in climate stories along our coastline—Maine, Florida, New York, Louisiana, California, etc. Rush also emphasizes the many injustices, including environmental racism, inherent in these stories. Last year we supported First Year Seminar instructors as they engaged their classes with this book:
- Teaching Resources Related to Rising, a collection that focuses particularly on coastal climate impacts and climate (in)justice.
- "Class Visit" videos that instruction can use with your classes in place of our pre-pandemic in-person class visits. Topics so far include a primer on global climate change, 2) an intro to climate impacts on human well-being, and 3) an intro to climate communication.
- Guide to Developing Creative Assignment Prompts related to Rising: While this guide focuses on the Common Reading book, most of these creative assignment ideas can easily be adapted as climate stories assignments in classes that are not using the book Rising.
- Conversation with Author Elizabeth Rush, Co-Hosted by Climate Stories: Learn about Rush's work telling climate stories via this Common Reading Program event on September 29, 2020, co-hosted by Climate Stories co-facilitator Laura England.
- Rising Readings: Elizabeth Rush's words and ideas come to life in this event produced by the Department of Theatre and Dance and led by Climate Stories co-facilitator Derek Davidson.